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The Spectre
"If I can write a novel anybody can! I never learnt to read until I was ten years old and in my late twenties, when I wanted to be an author, I went to night school to study for GCSEs in English Language and English Literature; and I got a B in English Language and a C in English Literature. I am a retired staff nurse and in my early thirties I became an agency nurse, instead of working as a full time nurse, and one of the reasons was I was unable to cope with the increasing amount of paperwork staff nurses were expected to do. I became interested in becoming a writer through watching television as I would watch films and TV series and think that I could envisage better storylines and better plot twists and by the time I realised everybody does much the same I was too invested in time and effort to give up. I enjoy writing short stories and science fiction but about ten years ago a publisher told me they do not publish science fiction or short story compilations from new authors and the only genre they would publish from a new author was crime fiction and I started to write The Spectre. Whilst writing the novel, I read numerous best sellers to learn from other authors and I could not have published The Spectre without the invaluable help of the Amazon Publishing Agency support team. "
26-May-2023, 09:51 PM
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