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Speech Therapy Tools like Tongue steer, TT- UD, and TT- LR
Speech Therapy Tools like Tongue steer, TT- UD, and TT- LR are versatile oral motor tools for feeding development. Speech therapy is used to demonstrate how to lateralize and elevate. They bow the tongue to physical articulators and other abilities required for speech and feeding development. They aid in establishing jaw stability, which in turn aids in making the tongue tip's independent jaw movements possible. They may also aid in easing tongue tie-related facial restraints. A tongue steer is a tool that aids in positioning the tongue in the ideal position for speaking and feeding. TT-UD and TT-LR tools aid people in lateralizing (TT-UD) and bowl-shaping (TT-LR) their tongues. These tools help people develop their oral motor skills and learn how to control the movements of their tongue and jaw to produce clear speech.
18-Mar-2023, 06:46 PM