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Shawshank Redemption
‘Shawshank Redemption’, directed by Frank Darabont, is about a young and successful banker called Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins. He was wrongly accused of murdering his wife and her lover. He was put in the prison of Shawshank, where he met an inmate named Red, played by Morgan Freeman. While in prison, Andy shows off his intellect by doing all of the guard’s taxes and gains trust from Norton, the Warden. The setting in the film is an essential feature of ‘Shawshank Redemption. Mise-en-scene comes from the French language, which means “placing the stage”. It refers to everything and anything in front of the camera. The setting is important as it helps to explore the theme of isolation. The prisoners have no communication with the outside world and get put in solitary confinement in ‘The Hole’. The men are institutionalized inside the prison, which means that they are so used to prison life that they can live without it. Finally, the prison setting explores the idea of power and corruption as the prisoners are at the bottom of the pecking order inside the prison. The setting or surroundings of an event is called the mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene is a French phrase that translates to ‘placing the stage’.
15-Dec-2021, 03:37 PM