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Looking for a waterproofing consultancy services in Bangalore?
We are professionals in waterproofing and insulation. We undertake consultancy services for your waterproofing requirements. We provide consultancy services for new construction projects as well as for re-waterproofing. SIWIN - Sudhish's Institute Of Waterproofing And Insulation Indian waterproofing Industry is estimated to be of around 6000 crores. Waterproofing is a fundamental constructional requirement. Even though modern buildings are waterproofed every year, a large number of households and commercial premises report leakage and problems related with inadequate methods of waterproofing of the buildings. 1 Consultancy Services We undertake consultancy services for your waterproofing requirements. We provide consultancy services for new construction projects as well as for re-waterproofing. Our services include : - Site inspection and analysis by waterproofing experts - Preparation of detailed technical reports - Tender Documents - Drawings - Method statement - BOQs
07-Jun-2023, 01:31 PM