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How do I cancel my flight with British Airways?
How would I drop off a British Airways flight? You can utilize the oversee reservation choice to drop off a British flight, contact British Airways client care, or visit the air terminal. At the point when you utilize these choices, you can drop the flight without any problem. Here are far to drop off the British Airways flight: Moves toward drop British Airways flight on the web: To drop a British Airways flight on the web, you can follow the means: Open the authority site of British Airways. Click on the deal with my booking choice. Enter your six-digit booking code and finish up the necessary subtleties. Presently, click on the drop choice when you see your booking. You should pay the charges in the event that you don't drop the trip in 24 hours or less. For installment, you can utilize net banking or online applications. You will get an affirmation on your enlisted email and text.
02-Sep-2022, 05:22 PM